Why screen adaption of books are never good enough ?

 A great novel as many people would agree, leaves the reader brokenhearted, crestfallen or bewildered. Writer of a novel is in many ways a poet of a long poem who fills the plot with delicate inticracies, highs and lows, without any expectation from readers as to where the plot would proceed. On the other hand, Adaptation of novel takes a great responsblity to remould the brainchild of an author to the liking of the viewers.

Unsuprisingly, viewer and reader are two very different groups of people which are offered the same storyline. Groundbreaking bestseller book doesn't necessitates equally groundbreaking plot for the screen adaptation. Also, the cast are character of their own, so as to bring none of their self into the character is a big ask which without a shade of doubt many accomplished actors do all the time. But all these are small shortcomings in comparison to fulfill the expectation of everyone who have heard about the bestseller earlier. These people are prejudiced to expect something equally grounbreaking, which ultimately puts pressure on the producers and directors to deliver soomething to fulfill the expectations.

Screen adaptation of novels are done in (mainly) two ways :

1. With the inclusion of the author.

2. Without the inclusion of author.

In first case, author can suggest or sometimes even enforce few tweaking and in second case the whole plot is at the mercy of directors; who are exposed to the storyline for the first time, who have never spent year or two immersed into the plot like the author. And tweaking with the plotline can backfire quite explosively. People involved in the process never mean any harm to story, they just want to make it a little more perfect.

But love always bloom where there is imperfect, because perfect is already PERFECT !!!


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